Saturday 15th March 2025
The Concept
In Hong Kong, or even every corner of the world, you can see a vast variety of electric wheelchairs. Their designs are rapidly changing to suit the needs of the disabled so that they are able to ride smoothly and efficiently on the streets and malls.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to have ramps for wheel chair access in all places, even only 2 steps could divert the accessibility of the disabled in wheel chairs. People could blame the Government for inadequate wheelchair accessible facilities, but overlooked the emotional feelings of the disabled; they would prefer to be independent and be able to access to places, break through the barrier themselves. Ironically, with today's advanced technology, wheelchair manufacturers issue affordable power wheelchairs are only for smooth terrains. Stair-climbing power wheelchairs are available but they are very cumbersome and expensive that is not affordable to the general public. The reason being is they rely highly on complex design technology which increases the size and so is the cost, and it becomes hard to afford. B-Free Chair beats other stair-climbing chairs and machines on the market by miles in term of cost, safety, agility, reliability and creativity.

Equipped with non-slip pedrails, this foldable pedrail power wheelchair can steadily and firmly climb stairs of various materials and different inclincations, with the pedrails functioning like robotic arms clawing their way up and down. It can also run smoothly over rough surfaces as tanks do. The movements are all safely protected by the patented two-part pedrail design and the security lock system, allowing the wheelchair to cling itself firmly to the stair surface. The transformer or stylish appearance of the chair makes people want to drive it to show off rather than feel ashamed of using a wheelchair.

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